I found this shirt at Target for $5.99 I love it
Alayah was up all night screaming bloody murder that her ear hurt. She got so bad that she was slapping her ears and her face just crying. I finally got her to sleep around 5:30 just in time for me to get up for work at 7. I took her to the specialist this time instead of her pediatrician and he said that her right ear was draining really good, so I guess the clog pushed its way through and she is getting some relief from the pressure that had built up. He said to just put drops in her ears, so I hope that helps. He keeps telling me that teething can cause that ear pain and I have told him repeatedly that she already has all her teeth...aghh I am getting so frustrated with the run around and I'm tired of my baby hurting all the time. grrr We went to the local football game tonight and we had a good time. I love me some football.
I totally understand the ear pain/infection. If she keeps getting them, on a regular basis, you might want to look into having her adenoids removed. My daughters first tube surgery did not stop the infections but the second one, where they also removed her adenoids, stopped them dead. We had 12 infections in 9 months but have now gone almost a year without one. It is miserable when they are in pain. Good luck!
I hope she gets better. My daughter stayed sick in preschool. I <3 the shirt!!! You like Tarjay as much as I do, I see :)
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