Riding on the Elmo ride
Waiting for the Elmo show to start

Feeding the sea lions....Alayah was too scared to touch the fish, so I had to feed them

Alayah practicing her balance beam walking
So we made it to San Diego in the wee morning hours to our hotel which my friend got us rooms at for free with her reward points. This hotel is like a 400 dollar a night hotel so you'd think they'd have exceptional service....not lol Their machine to make the room keys was down so they had to escourt us everywhere as our room was on a secure floor, so you had to use your key to get the elevator to go to our floor. Plus they charged $20 bucks a day to park in the parking garage, so we had to park on the street....down a huge hill and around the corner. It sucked. It was after 4am when we got to sleep.
When we finally got around and ready it was lunch time so we stopped and ate before heading over to Sea World.
We had a lot of fun at SeaWorld and Alayah is always asking to see fish, so I knew she would love it.
We saw the Shamu show and I don't know if Alayah knew what to think about it...she just kind of sat there. She really enjoyed seeing all the fish and would yell out "fish momma fish."
We went to see this Elmo in 4D show and everytime there was water involved it would shoot out of the seat in front of you and it made Alayah cry everytime. She kept saying "I go home mom!" I felt bad for her, but it was really cool when they had all these bubbles shooting out of the ceiling.
We also were able to go to this area called Elmo's bay of play and we got to ride some elmo themed rides and we were even able to run into the Elmo characters and Alayah got to get her picture taken with him. She was so excited and that's all she talked about.

We ended the day up with the skytower that lets you get a good view of the surrounding area. It was dark when we went up so it was cool to see all the lights of the city. As we were headed back out to our car they had a fireworks show which seemed a great way to end the night. What a special experience :)

Alayah testing out a yummy popsicle

Alayah testing out a yummy popsicle
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