They still had all her paperwork on file, so we were able to get in rather quickly. He gave her something for her ears, but nothing for her croup since she sounded fine. After the doctors we left to take the girls to the Rainforest Cafe to eat because I thought Alayah would like it since she likes animals so much. We stopped by the tiger area first and let the girls see the tigers. They also had three new baby cubs that were soooo cute.
It might have been fine had I not tried to re-create a photo in front of this robotic elephant before we went to eat. It started moving right as we posed for this picture and freaked Alayah out. Of course they seated us right next to a heard of robotic elephants that would randomly move throughout our meal so Alayah ended up on my lap for most of our lunch.
After we ate lunch we headed down to the M&M factory.
That store is crazy...It was cramped and hard to manuver around with strollers. Alayah decided she new what she wanted and tried to do some shopping on her own. After the M&M factory we walked outside and Alayah was out.
I got her a new stroller before our trip and I love it. It is so roomy and easy to push. We walked around for awhile and looked in some of the casinos. I had to pose her stroller by things to get pictures since she wasn't awake to enjoy a lot of the sites.
By the time we made it back to MGM she was awake so we posed in front of the lion and I had her pose by a little mini palm tree.
We left the strip to head back to my parents to pack so we could head down to San Diego for the weekend, but once we were back in the car Alayah's croup cough came back, so we headed back to the doctors. He prescribed her a steroid and also gave her a prescription for singular. I don't know why, but every time we leave town she gets ear infections and croup. *sigh* I don't think it will ever end....:(
We finally got out of town at 9pm...way later than we had intended to. Let me just say...I absolutely hate driving I-15 at night on a friday. Everyone from Los Angeles is headed to Vegas for the weekend. Its like one giant light train as far as the eye can see the entire was crazy and my poor eyes couldn't handle it. I felt like I needed sunglasses the whole drive even though it was the middle of the night. We finally made it to the hotel at 3:30am to a host of issues that I will tell in tomorrows posting as this one has gotten way to long lol
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