We woke up this morning and started a craft for our Nana. I thought it turned out really cute. Alayah was excited about it at first, but she didn't like getting her hands painted. I think it tickled and she didn't like the way it felt.

After we got up and around we went to see How to train your dragon. We had already been to it once, but it was the only kids movie at the theater. Alayah loved it the first time, but this time she acted scared and wouldn't watch it for the first 45 minutes. After the movie we went to the mall and Alayah got to ride on her favorite ride. She is in love with horses lately.

We ate lunch and then came home and took some pictures together. I love this girl soooo much. This was my third Mother's Day and every year I am more and more grateful that I have the privilege to be a mother. I am so humbled that God chose me to be a mom and entrusted me with such a beautiful angel.
Mothers Day 2009
Mother's Day 2008
I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day. Remind me to ask you for craft ideas next year, this looks AWEsome. Good job Alayah :)
Okie dokie....I thought of that the night before and dreamt about how I wanted it to look haha
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