We headed to Pinedale Wyoming on Saturday so that I could take my grandma to put flowers on my grandpa's grave. My grandma hasn't been able to go the last couple of years because she can't make the five hour drive by herself and my parents and I have been to busy to take her. I remember taking this drive many many many times when I was younger. About halfway into the drive we always stopped at this park to play. It was nice to be able to take Alayah there and see where I used to play as a little girl although, none of the play equipment was the same...lol

Alayah playing on the swing

Chasing Nana
Alayah didn't do so well on the drive there or the drive home. She hates being stuck in her carseat. We visited my grandpa's grave and added flowers. I also took Alayah to the park in Pindedale and let her walk across the bridge that I used to walk across and let her go down to the water. I should have known that my girl was going to walk straight into the water without a care. Luckily the water wasn't very deep. It was nice to get away and go somewhere quiet. Pinedale is probably a town of 1,000 or less so it is extremely quiet there. It was a nice trip overall and great girl bonding time.
Visiting her Great Grandpa

Really wanting to go back into the water

What mom.. :)
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