Friday, April 27, 2012

Mommy's day out

Today I took Amarah in for her 1 month appointment. Baby girl weighs 9lbs 9oz and is 22 inches long. Her head was 37cm as well. The doctor said she is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75 percentile for height. Her head was at the 25th percentile. I can't believe she is so big already. She got a shot at this appointment and it was so sad. I hate seeing her cry from an owie. After her appointment I met up with a friend at the movie theaters. We saw Think like a Man and it was Amarah's first movie. She slept and ate the during the movie and was such a snugglebug. Alayah stayed home with my mom and had some girl time with her while they waited for the heating and cooling guys to bring the new water heater.

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