Your personality keeps coming out more and more every day. You are quite the comedian and oh so joyful. You get so happy about the smallest things and then insist upon jumping up and down to show your joy.
We are taking swimming lessons this month and you love going down the kiddie slide. You've also learned to kick and move your arms almost like doggy paddling. You are doing awesome.
I have noticed when you are trying to get your leg over something and it is just a little too grab your toes and try to help lift your foot over with your hand. You are too cute.
New words this month include
"wa-wa" - water
"ca ca ewww"- your term for just ca ca always said with a look of disgust and wiping your hands
"baby chwy"-baby cry
"dah done"- all gone
"two"- when we say 1 you say 2 and then we say 3 and you say 2...everything is 2 when it comes to counting.
You love the itsy bitsy spider song and try to do the spider part...its so cute. You also bend forward and pat your knees and yell "no" when you are wanting us to follow you. We need to work on the word come. :)