After Alayah was born her daddy went with her to take pictures of her getting her first bath. I really wish that I could have been there to see that, but instead I was taking a much needed hot shower. It felt so good to just stand under the hot water. I remember standing there thinking that when I come out of the bathroom my daughter will be on the other side of the door. My child who I grew and loved inside of me is now experiencing her first moments apart from me. It was almost like stepping from the surreal to the real with the opening of a door.

Once I was out of the shower we were moved to another(much smaller)room. This is where I was able to hold my baby without anyone but her daddy around and really take in the beautiful child that God had sent me. I ran my finger down her cheeks just trying to take in every thing about her. Her daddy and I stayed up until about six am when we decided to go to sleep, but right when we were getting comfy...the nurses came in to do their morning rounds. They drew my blood and took Alayah off to the nursery so that her pediatrition could take a look at her. Once Alayah was gone her dad decided to go home and get some sleep and take a shower. I tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't get my mind to quiet down. Thoughts of the future and memories of the night flooded my brain. After about an hour I couldn't stand being away from my girl any longer. I buzzed the nurse to have her find out if she could come back to my room yet. I waited and waited and no one came back. Her daddy finally came back about 9 and I demanded that he go to the nursery and get her as I couldn't be away from her anymore. I needed my baby. He brought her back and I felt like I was complete again. I held my girl and put her in her first little outfit. I remember when I bought it everyone said that it was going to be too small, but we proved them wrong as it fit perfectly.
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