she was enthralled with tv
Alayah had an audiologist appointment today. I really hate that these appointments take about 2 hours because it's so hard to keep he entertained. They did a hearing test thing and they said her right tube wasn't working and the left had fluid behind it. They put her in the sound proof room and put some headphones on her. The lady was asking her questions like where are your toes etc. Alayah did an awesome job answering her questions. The lady said her hearing level was 25 decibels. Normal range is 10...obvioulsy she is out of the normal hearing range. Last time she was at 15 decibels. I don't understand why it's worse.
After the audiologist we had to wait to see the actual doctor. He said that her tubes are fine and are not plugged. His response to the hearing test was that he doesn't trust any hearing test after 3 in the I wasn't sure if he was joking or serious. He doesn't believe she has had ear infections the last three months. He said we are going to wait and when she gets another ear infection I am supposed to take her to see him instead of her regular doctor. I am so tired of the runaround I want answers. I'm tired of forking out so much money for no answers.
We went to Olive Garden afterward and Alayah had a number 2 accident and it fell down her pant leg...luckily I caught it before it hit the booth cuz that would of been totally disgusting and embarrassing.
yeah, my daughter had 12 ear infections in 9 months. She kept passing her hearing tests but I know she wasn't hearing good. Has your daughter had her adenoids removed? Our first surgery did not work, she kept getting infections every 2-3 weeks. She had her second surgery six months later. They took out her adenoids and put medicated tubes in. It has been 9 months now and we have not had a single infection and her hearing is almost too good now.
Good luck!
She hasn't had her adenoids removed. I was hoping the ENT would suggest medicated tubes, but no luck. I don't understand why they have her see the audiologist if the ENT isn't going to believe the results. It is so frustrating. He said that he thinks its teething causing her ear pain. I'm like she's had all her teeth since before she started coming to you, so try another guess. sheesh
Ouch, I bet those tubes hurt. I hope her next appt is much better. I can't believe you caught the #2 before it hit the floor only a Mommy could do that, ewwww the things we do for our lil ones.
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