not feelin so good on her last day of being 17months
Your language skills have exploded this month. You say so much now like
"I no no"- I don't know
"Oh no no"- Oh no
You also say Nana, Bye, Yes, No, Mommy, Daddy, Papa, owie, mine, and Hi.....
You love dancing and any time music comes on you are the first to get jiggy with it. You have started wearing pull ups at daycare and using the potty with the bigger kids. I am so proud of you baby girl. You are still very independent and insist on doing things yourself. You are starting to try to put your clothes on by yourself and you can almost get your sandals on. You are really starting to enjoy dancing and learning moves. It is so cute. Mommy is kind of sad that you are going to be 18 months old tomorrow and you will officially be closer to two then one. I miss my baby, but I am excited to see what the future holds and I love getting glimpses into who you may become. I love you baby girl!
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