Alayah laid down for bed about six as usual and I came to my room to update her blog, when about 7:30 I heard her fussing. I went to check on her and she was wheezing really bad and had no voice. It scared me to death. I couldn't tell if she was breathing okay or not. I bundled her up and headed to the ER and surprisingly I didn't even have to wait. They put one of those oxygen reader things on her finger and the numbers that came up were kinda worrisome as they were all in the low 80's, but the nurse said they weren't accurate. They put it on her toe and the readings showed levels in the 90's which were much better. We got to our room and the doctor walked in the room and before he reached her bed said its croup. I'm like okay...pretend you needed to do a little more than hear her to diagnose her....I mean I am about to pay you hundreds of dollars for this lol. They gave her a dose of steroids and an albuterol treatment and we were outta there. I can't believe we were in and out in less than 2 hours! I'm scared to leave her side tonight...I don't want her to quit breathing and me not notice. I feel so bad for her and I hate the feeling I had when I first noticed. It is scary to be so out of control and there was nothing I could do to make it better. I know its minor compared to what other families have gone through, but I think the feeling is the same. That maternal instinct kicks in overdrive so fast! She is sleeping soundly now, so I hope she sleeps well through the night.
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