Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alayah learns to ride her trike

Today was the day. Last summer she just didn't have the coordination to do the pedaling. This year is a whole new story.

She finally learned to keep pedaling in a circle. She was so proud of herself and her favorite thing to do is to go down the ramp in the driveway really fast. My daredevil.

Love her so much


Gracie's Mom said...

Yayyyyy so proud of ur sweet girl. For some reason Gracie is still struggling. We are really going to start working on it since the weather is warm now. But we'll push her and then when we let go she peddle a few feet and stop. I hope she gets it soon because her preschool has trike day and I would hate for her to bring her trike and not be able to ride it :(

Pineapple Princess said...

She is PRECIOUS as always!!


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