Friday, August 28, 2009
Alayah started wearing panites to daycare this week and has only had one accident. She had to have Elmo underwear and I had to go to three different places to try and find some in her size. She likes them and I really hope they help her want to go in the potty more.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Developmental Screening
Alayah had her second developmental screening today and again she tested above her age in everything except language. She is doing things at about the 21 month level and higher in most areas, but when it comes to her expressive language she is only at 13 months. At her 13 month screening she was at 11 months for her language and now she is 19 months and even further behind. Her infections are what the speech pathologist is blaming the delay on because she gained several words during the two months she went without an ear infection. She is starting to get ear infections again and I am afraid she is just going to continue to get further behind. We have an appointment with her pediatrician next week and I am going to push the topic of tubes. The speech pathologist and I both agree that it would help. There is no point in her getting therapy if she can't hear the words we are trying to teach her. Her doctor kept saying wait till summer and then they will go away. Well its summer and she still has them so I'm tired of waiting. She has had an ear infection every single month since last September. I am tired of them and I am sure Alayah is too.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Flashback (stolen from Gracie's mom)
My happy baby girl 8/9/2008
Her Classic Look 8/9/2008
My Toddler Girl 8/9/2009
I can't believe how much different she looks now. The outfit in last years pictures was 6-9 months and it was too big for her all summer long, so I finally stuck it on her and took pictures since she wasn't going to get any use out of it. Now she is wearing 2T...she is so tall. I don't know who she gets it from. I miss my baby, but the world of the toddler is so much fun too :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Potty Happenings
Alayah tried pulling her pull-up off tonight and then pointed to the bathroom. I asked her if she needed to go potty and she shook her head yes. We went into the bathroom and she sat down on her potty, but she got right back up and ran out of the bathroom. I went to go get her some pajamas to put on and she ran back into the bathroom and sat down and immediately went potty. She stood up and clapped and I cheered for her. This is the first time that she has initiated going to the bathroom and actually gone. I am so excited for her. She is really starting to understand the concept and now she is realizing when she gets the urge to pee. Woohoo!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sesame Street Live
Floor seats for "Elmo's Green Thumb

One stuffed Elmo doll
$27.00 each
One stuffed Elmo doll
One Elmo ballon(out of camera's view but she was laughing at it)
Snacks and Drinks
Alayah did so great at the show. She was a little overwhelmed at first as we were very close to the stage and the characters came right out to stand by us, but she didn't cry. She danced in my lap and continually pointed to Elmo. She even gave the count a high five. She really enjoyed it and I really enjoyed spending the time with her. I wish she was old enough to remember it, but I will always and can tell her about it when she is older. Afterwards, I took her to McDonalds and let her play which I haven't done before and she really enjoyed that to. All in all an awesome day.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
18 month wrap up
New words this month are boo and "peeze"- please, and "dat"-that
You are starting to combine words like in the morning if we see birds outside you will say "mommy dat". You are starting to understand that mouths are for eating and you feed your babies and your bears and mommy's statues. Everything needs to eat. Dancing is still your favorite thing to do and you are starting to listen to the words and understand if the song says to do something like put your hands up. You are still doing very good with potty training at daycare and you only go through one pull up a day which is awesome. Your hair is starting to grow out in the back finally and you got another tooth this month. We've officially made it 18 whole months baby girl! :)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mommy and Me day
I took Alayah to the park today and let her play while I took pictures. She was happy to oblige. It was nice to have a day solely based on her and what she wants to do. She is napping now and tonight I am taking her to see the movie "UP". I hope she enjoys it. I wish I could have more days off during the week to spend with her. It seems so unfair that life is spent working. I want to spend all my time with my girl.

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